Friday, September 20, 2024


Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary in Arbil to discuss border problems

ARBIL / Turkey ’s Foreign Ministry Undersecretary, has arrived in Arbil on Monday to discuss joint relations and the situation on the Turkish borders with Iraq , a Kurdistan media source reported.   “The Turkish Foreign Ministry’s Undersecretary, Freidoun Sinerly, has arrived in Arbil on Monday, leading an official delegation, to discuss bilateral relations with Kurdistan officials and the situation on the Kurdistan’s borders with Turkey ,” the media source told news agency.   The Turkish Air Force had carried out daily bombardments of positions in Iraqi Kurdistan’s border areas with Turkey , charging that they belong to the anti-Ankara Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), causing several civilian casualties and forcing large numbers of Kurdish citizens to desert their home villages, along with causing material damage, thing that created a wave of anger in Kurdistan Region.   Iraq ’s President Jalal Talabani, has discussed at his office in Baghdad on Sunday with the visiting Turkish Foreign Ministry’s Undersecretary, the joint Iraqi-Turkish relations and the political developments in the Region.   Talabani reiterated in the meeting on “necessity to develop the strategic relations between the two neighborly countries and to settle all problems on basis of understanding and dialogue, stemming from the principle of cooperation, in order to strengthen peace, stability and progress in the Region.”   He pointed out that “past experiences have proved that the armed and military action won’t achieve necessary settlements for the problems and that solutions would always be achieved through serious and decent dialogue, stemming from democratic values,” according to an Iraqi official statement.   The Turkish Official, on his part had reiterated for President Jalal Talabani the “keenness of the Turkish side for joint cooperation and activity to develop the joint relations between the two friendly countries and necessity for understanding towards the current developments in the Region.”   SKH (FT)   369