Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan parliament to ask PKK – PJAK move operations out region

ARBIL /  Kurdistan Parliament MP said that “the Kurdish parliament will demand both anti-Turkish and Iranian PKK and  PJAK parties to move their activities outside the region and will demand Turkish and Iranian government to stop shelling the borders”.   MP Salim Kako told that the parliament already issued a statement on this matter and called both Federal and regional governments to bear their responsibilities, humanly and politically.   Last month, president of Kurdistan Masoud Barzani called the Turkish government to stop attacks on Kurdistan region, pointing out that the parliament will hold an extraordinary meeting in this regard.   Spokesman of Change Movement called to officially protest and take a strict action against Turkish atrocities and criticized “shy” governmental stand.    The Iraqi government called the Iranians to stop the shelling, while a parliamentary delegation visited the bombarded areas and called for immediate halt of fire and to compensate the families.   Tens of Iraq NGOs demanded to stop Iranian atrocities.   RM (TI)/SR 462