Friday, September 20, 2024


Baghdad wants unilateral control of power, Masoud Barzani

ARBIL /  Kurdish President Masoud Barzani stated today that the behavior of the Iraqi government is to have “unilateral” control, pointing out that the Regional Government aims at solving all problems withBAGHDAD .   In a conference for Kurdistan representatives abroad, held in Arbil, he declared that a delegation, headed by Premier Barham Saleh, will be sent toBAGHDAD  to discuss matters pending betweenBAGHDAD  and Arbil.   “The attitude inBAGHDAD  is to have unilateral control of power”, he added.   Barzani referred to anti-Iran PJAK and anti-Turkey PKK parties as “not taking into consideration the interests of  Kurdistan “, calling both parties “to discharge ideas gaining their rights by military means”.   “We are planning to end this war, if we succeeded then we rendered a great service to the people of Kurdistan, Iran and Turkey, otherwise, we will not be part of it”, he confirmed.   The Iranian bombardment continued for the last two months, while the Turkish shelling prevailed for its third week which led to civilian killings and material damages in homes and lands.   Local Kurdish sources said that the Turkish jet fighters are continuing bombing Iraqi villages along the borders in Qandeel mountains in Kurdistan  region.   Areas in Arbil and Duhuk are having massive Turkish aerial bombardments against possible PKK sites inside  Kurdistan , where reports said that 30 Turkish soldiers were killed.   The Turkish government announced that it will continue its attack till terminating PKK members and stop their attacks inside  Turkey . 665