Saturday, September 21, 2024


2 civilians killed, 2 others injured in Iskandaria, Babel

BABEL / Two civilians have been killed and two others were injured in a booby-trapped car explosion in Iskandariya township of west Iraq’s Babel Province on Monday, according to a security source.   “A booby-trapped car, parked on the main roadside in Iskandariya township, 50 km to the north of Hilla, the center of west Iraq’s Babel Province, blew up on Monday, killing 2 civilians and wounding 2 others, including a policeman,” the security source reported.   A number of Iraqi provinces had witnessed a series of explosions on Monday morning that killed 34 people and injured 60 others by a booby-trapped car blast in the city of Kut, killing 4 persons and wounding 17 others in 2 booby-trapped car explosions in Najaf, killing 4 Army men in an attack on a checkpoint in Baaquba, along with killing 3 policemen and wounding 9 others in a suicide attack on the Intelligence Body’s office in Tikrit and killing a civilian and wounding 15 others in 2 booby-trapped cars blasts and a motorcycle blast in Kirkuk.   Iraq’s Interior Ministry had issued a decision, banning the parking of cars on roadsides of the main and branch streets in different parts of Iraq as from today (Monday), after the series of explosions that took place in those provinces early in the day.   SKH (TI)/SR 545