Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraq’s bilateral relations with Iran “good” – Talabani

BAGHDAD / Iraq‘s relations with Iran are “good, despite difficulties,” President Jalal Talabani said in a presidential statement on Thursday “There is a national consensus to cement these relations,” the statement highlighted. The statement pointed out that on Wednesday in Baghdad, President Talabani received Iran‘s visiting Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salihi and his accompanying delegation, who conveyed greetings and wishes of the ??Advisor of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ali Khamanei and Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, to President Jalal Talabani. The meeting, attended by Iraq‘s Foreign Minister, Hoshiar Zibari and a number of other officials, had witnessed “President Talabani welcoming  the Iranian Foreign Minister and members of his delegation. Talabani expressed gratitude for Khamanei and the Iranian President, for their greetings,” reiterating the deep historic ties and bilateral relations between Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran, in all fields. “Our relations have passed through tests and experiences. Despite this, they have become good relations and there is an Iraqi consensus to boost relations with neighboring Iran and to strive to boost them to cover all fields,” the statement pointed out. The Iranian Foreign Minister expressed gratitude to President Talabani for his good reception and hospitality, pointing out that his meetings with Iraq‘s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki and Foreign Minister Zibari, had “been good and constructive, based on the high interests that serve both peoples, reiterating Iran‘s attention and hope to boost security, stability and prosperity of Iraq.” The Iranian Foreign Minister also highlighted “the efforts, exerted by President Talabani to strengthen bilateral relations and activate construction cooperation between both countries.” The Iranian Foreign Minister arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday, on an official visit to Iraq. QM (A) / SKH/SR 4