Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq signs 40 protocols with Turkey, Talabani says

BAGHDAD / Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said that his country is keen on boosting relations with Turkey and will implement 40 protocols signed between the two sides. In an interview with Turkey’s NTV satellite channel in Istanbul, where he took part in the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) summit, the president said “We have signed more than 40 protocols with Turkey and I’m here also to implement the joint agreements.” He underlined Iraq’s keenness not to interfere in Turkey’s internal affairs. Talabani has entered Turkey’s ongoing debate on a pro-Kurdish party’s call for “bilingualism,” advising the country to adopt a multilingual system to allow different ethnic groups to understand each other better. “To be frank, I do not want to intervene in Turkey’s domestic affairs. But I can talk about our experiences. For example, the use of different languages enriches our culture in Iraq. If you educate a Turkmen in his native language, this student will comprehend much better,” he told NTV channel. Talabani urged the PKK to lay down their weapons and concentrate on a “political struggle.” The ECO summit concluded on Thursday and adopted a declaration focusing on regional economic cooperation. The declaration focused on ensuring energy security and close cooperation on the matter and also touched on global matters like climate change and food security. The declaration referred to the target of establishing Free Trade Zone in the region, included in ECO 2015 Vision Statement. The member countries reaffirmed their commitments to fulfill 2015 Vision Statement and stressed the importance of signing of ECO Trade Agreement (ECOTA) by all member states. The declaration called on non-member countries to sign the agreements that were opened to signature and included some projects and initiatives to make ECO stronger. Istanbul Declaration eulogized financial means put into force by ECO Trade and Development Bank aiming to support member countries and underlined importance of inclusion of all the member countries to the bank. SH (S) 2