Monday, September 30, 2024


Iraqi Kurdistan President congratulates Christians on Christ’s Birthday & New Year:

BAGHDAD / The President of North Iraq‘s Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, has congratulated the Christians and Iraqis on the occasion of Jesus Christ’s Birthday and the New Year, calling on the Federal Government in Baghdad to protect them. “On occasion of the Birthday of Jesus Christ (May Peace be Upon Him), I convey the best congratulations for all dear Christian sisters and brothers in Kurdistan, Iraq and the whole world, wishing them a holiday full of happiness and joys,” Barzani said, in a message, copy of which landed in news agency on Saturday. He also said: “On this occasion, I confirm the importance of fraternal coexistence and religious tolerance in Federal Iraq, and call on the new Iraqi government to lay a proper protection for the religious places and to protect Christian sisters and brothers, being among its main missions, because Christians are original Iraqi citizens.” “We shall always defend Christians, because gates of Kurdistan are wide-open for Christian citizens, who are escaping their homes due to the brutality of terrorists, heading for Kurdistan Region, taking it as safe haven for them,” Barzani concluded. SHM (A) / SKH 1