Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Iraq’s PM confirms necessity to develop bilateral relations, in meeting with Egypt’s FM:

BAGHDAD / Iraq‘s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has reiterated during his reception on Sunday of visiting Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Abul-Gheit, “necessity to develop bilateral relations between both countries, as well as all other Arab States,” according to an official statement issued by the Prime Minister‘s office, copy of which landed in news agency. “Maliki has hailed the Egyptian initiative, that he described as deserving gratitude and appreciation, as it had reflected Egypt‘s kenness to become the first country that has congratulated Iraq on the formation of the new government,” the statement said, adding that his government “had come to confirm the wish of Iraqi politicians to form a government that represents all Iraqis, in such a way that any of the Iraqi components had been excluded from it.” Abul-Gheit, on his part, the statement pointed out, had “hailed the widom of the Iraqi leaders, who have managed to form a government of national-partnership, without any problems,” saying that “Iraq, with this government, had succeeded to overcome its crisis completely and to open new future horizens before it.” The Egyptian Foreign Minister had also proposed “the formation of a large bureau for  joint action by both sides,” pointing out to “Egypt‘s readiness to stand to the side of Iraq on both Arab and international arenas, and confirming readiness of all Egyptian companies to invest in all Iraqi sectors, especially the oil and gas.” MA (A) / SKH 1