Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s democracy, guarantee for its progress, prosperity, Talabani says:

BAGHDAD / Iraq‘s President Jalal Talabani has said on Tuesday that “democracy is the guarantee for the progress and development of the society in political, economic and social fields.” President Talabani‘s statement was made during his reception in Baghdad on Tuesday of the German Minister of Cooperation & Development, Derek Nibel and his accompanying delegation, comprising several parliamentary, economic and trade personalities, along with the Chairman of the German Industries Federation and representatives of the German mass media, according to a Presidential release. “Democracy is the guarantee for the progress and development of the society in the political, economic and social fields, in such a way that allows democracy to achieve freedoms, human rights and respect  of the country’s social components,” Talabani said. He said that “the federal democratic Iraq is witnessing stability and development in the level of citizens lives, and we hope that it would progress and become prosperous, because this country is rich in everything and thanks to the political plans now taking place to liberate the economy and open opportunities for investment, in order to develop the country.” “The security situation that had prevented companies and investors to come to the country had witnessed a major improvement, whilst terrorism that used to control broad areas of the country had changed into isolated secret cells, rejected by the society, whilst the state’s security and military bodies have imposed full security in different parts of the country,” he said. President Talabani also called on “the German companies to accelerate their presence in Iraq, in such a way that would develop horizons of economic, social and trade cooperation between both countries, in order to achieve their joint interests.” The German Minister, on his part, expressed for President Talabani “Germany’s keenness to achieve such cooperation with a country possessing huge potentials like Iraq.” Meanwhile, the Chairman of the German Industries Federation said that “German companies are keen to work in Iraq,” hoping that the German delegation’s current visit would “open chances to achieve a suitable platform   for such cooperation. IT / SKH 255