Saturday, September 28, 2024


Iraqis share Egyptians their “rejoice” for Mubarak’s resignation:

BAGHDAD / Iraqis, residing in Cairo, have shared their Egyptian “brothers” iheir “rejoice” for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation from his presidency post, raising Iraqi and Egyptian flags in Cairo streets on this occasion, they told Iraqi News on Saturday. “We are in support of our Egyptian borthers on occasion of their historic event (Mubarak’s resignation), especially that they treated us since the first day of their demonstrations in Egypt in a very respectful ways,” Ali Kadhim said in a telephone call with “We were expecting President Mubarak to announce his decision in the first place, and we shared our Egyptian borthers their celebrations that reminded us of the celebrations that took place when the Egyptian Soccer Team won the African Nation’s Cup, when the people rose the Egyptian flags, amid broad celebrations,” Kadhim, a veteran soccer player, said. Hutheifa Kheiri al-Duleimi, a university student, said he had participated with his Iraqi friends, “the celebrations that took place in west Baghdad’s al-Thawra district, raising the Egyptian and Iraqi flags,” adding that he shared with other Iraqis since the beginning of the demonstrations in the ‘popular committees’ that were formed in Egypt after the absence of police forces to protect their areas.” “Egyptians have expressed hope that circumstances  improve in Iraq, hoping that they will be able to visit Iraq in the near future to share the Iraqis their rejoice,” Duleimy said. Mohammed Jassem, who was present among Egyptians celebrating the occasion in Mustapha Square in Cairo‘s Mujandiseen (Engineers), said he saw Iraqis, “sharing the Egyptians in their celebrations, raising flags in the celebrations on occasion of President Mubarak‘s resignation, that led to the killing and wounding of dozens of people in clashes between the police and the demonstrators.” Ahmed Saad, a Media student, said: “the treatment of Iraqis by the Egyptians had been excellent, reflecting the size of their respect and good hospitality during our stay in Egypt, in different circumstances.” “We went out to watch the celebrations, though they concern the Egyptians themselves, being an internal affairs related to the future of their country,” he said, adding that “he does not know the aftermath of President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation,” but hopes that “goodness reign on Egypt and its good people.” Saad said he would return to his country of Iraq, in the nearest possible time: “once the situation returns to its normal position.” IT / SKH 266 BAGHDAD / Iraqis, residing in Cairo, have shared their Egyptian “brothers” iheir “rejoice” for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation from his presidency post, raising Iraqi and Egyptian flags in Cairo streets on this occasion, they told Iraqi News on Saturday. “We are in support of our Egyptian borthers on occasion of their historic event (Mubarak’s resignation), especially that they treated us since the first day of their demonstrations in Egypt in a very respectful ways,” Ali Kadhim said in a telephone call with “We were expecting President Mubarak to announce his decision in the first place, and we shared our Egyptian borthers their celebrations that reminded us of the celebrations that took place when the Egyptian Soccer Team won the African Nation’s Cup, when the people rose the Egyptian flags, amid broad celebrations,” Kadhim, a veteran soccer player, said. Hutheifa Kheiri al-Duleimi, a university student, said he had participated with his Iraqi friends, “the celebrations that took place in west Baghdad’s al-Thawra district, raising the Egyptian and Iraqi flags,” adding that he shared with other Iraqis since the beginning of the demonstrations in the ‘popular committees’ t