Saturday, September 21, 2024


VOA: Serious ethnic challenges appear in Iraq

BAGHDAD / Serious ethnic challenges have begun to appear in Iraq, the official external radio and television broadcasting service of the United States federal government said. Quoting the former top U.S. commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, Voice of America (VOA) said that the progress that has been made thus far in Iraq may be less fragile and more durable than he had estimated six months ago. “The ethnic tensions were on the mind of the former U.S. commander in Iraq when he spoke in Washington at the Heritage Foundation. General David Petraeus cited remaining challenges,” according to VOA. VOA noted that peace leaders spoke of ethnic tension and acts of violence in the country, in reference to a recent bombing attack that killed a Sadrist leader two days ago in the capital Baghdad. “But the general’s conclusion comes even as a media report warns of possible new violence.” According to VOA, “McClatchy newspapers quote unnamed officials who say a high level national intelligence estimate warns ethnic and sectarian tensions in Iraq could unleash a new wave of violence. The newspapers report the secret document says gains achieved over the last year in Iraq could be reversed.” “But Irish and South African leaders, who invited Iraqis to participate in a peace process in Helsinki last year, now say ethnic reconciliation is possible. The leaders passed on examples of how they resolved their own conflicts in meetings with Iraqis earlier this year,” it added. “Mac Maharaj, South Africa’s former minister of transport, told a key U.S. House committee he saw that Iraqis want to be included in a peace process similar to the Helsinki meetings.” “The Helsinki participants told the committee a new U.S. administration, after the election, must be convinced to continue such talks. They say this is the only way for the U.S. to get out of Iraq without leaving behind more ethnic violence,” VOA said. SS (S) 1