Saturday, September 28, 2024


Iraq’s Parliament Speaker congratulates Egyptian people for their victory:

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Parliament Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify, has congratulated the Egyptian people on the occasion of their “victory to impose their will and select a new political system, away from foreign interference,” according to a statement by Nujeify’s office on Saturday. “We salute the great victory, achieved by the Egyptian people to impose their free independent will, away from any foreign interference,” Nujeify said, reiterating “necessity for the peaceful transformation of power, according to democatic courses and under a limited and suitable time ceiling.” Nijeify also highly assessed “the role of the Egyptian Army, that expressed its great discipline, vocationalism and high patriotism, in dealing with the events and the changes that took place in its country.” Noteworthy is that different Egyptian cities have witnessed broad celebrations till late Friday night, that took place after Egyptian President announced his resignation from power, that he ruled for 30 years, following 18 days of intensive protests, demanding his “departure from power.” PT / SKH 314