Friday, September 20, 2024


Talabani, Assad discuss bilateral ties in Damascus

BAGHDAD / Iraqi President Jalal Talabani discussed on Saturday with his Syrian counterpart bilateral relations binding the two neighboring countries, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). “Talabani expressed Iraq’s wish to have strategic ties with Syria at all levels to serve the two sides’ interests as well as the region’s security and stability,” SANA said. The Iraqi and Syrian leaders also discussed means to activate the works of the joint higher committee and remove all obstacles impeding exchanged investments, expand economic cooperation and accelerate the implementation of the agreements reached during Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s visit to Syrian and Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Utri’s visit to Iraq. For his part, Assad voiced his country’s support to convene the forthcoming Arab summit in Iraq, adding Iraq should return to its role in the Arab arena as key partner in making the future of the region. Earlier on Saturday, the Iraqi presidency’s official web site said that Talabani arrived in the Syrian capital Damascus upon an official invitation he received from Assad. “Talabani was accorded a red-carpet reception at al-Shaab Palace in Damascus, where he was received by President Assad,” the web site said.   The Iraqi leader’s delegation included Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Oil Minister abdulkareem al-Leiebi, Minister of State Hassan al-Sari and the presidential cabinet chief Nusseir al-Aani.    AmR (TS)/SR 622