Friday, September 20, 2024


Feb. 25th demonstration will be of “peaceful nature,” their organizers say:

BAGHDAD / The organizers of the demonstrations, scheduled to take place in Baghdad on Friday, February 25th, have reaffirmed their “peaceful nature,” warning against “sneakers” expected to join the demonstrators. A statement, issued on Monday by the groups organizing the demonstration, addressed to the Iraqi Youth, copy of which dropped in news agency, has called on them to participate in the demonstrations, provided “they keep the peaceful and civilized nature of the demonstration,” as well as the “protection of the public and private properties, along with preventing any type of corruption acts.” It also called for the “formation of special committees, to carry out delicate inspection to make sure that anybody does not carry weapons and avoid clashes with the Armed Forces, in order to avoid those carrying evil intentions and those who try to fish in troubled waters.” The statement warned “from the sneaking in the demonstrations by supporters of Iraq‘s former (Baath) regime, terrorists and hypocrats, who trade in the name of religion and politics,” calling for “opening the doors for all national trends and invidividuals, believing in freedom, justice and genuine democracy.”  It also warned against raising slogans, the statement described as “strange and tucked slogans,” such as “Death for Democarcy,” charging that those parties would “exploit the mischief of masses from distorted practices, that were charged to have been caused by the democracy.” A source, close to the parties that called for the said demonstrations, through the Facebook, have told news agency that four organizations, carrying slogans, such as “Baghdad won’t become Qandahar,” or “Shall we keep silent”, “Without silecne,” and the “Blue Iraqi Revolution,” have met under the motto “February Youth,” to express the peaceful nature of the demonstration. A statement, copy of which was received by on Monday, had warned from claims that “Young groups would break through (west Baghdad‘s) fortified Green Zone and try to force the downfall of the current government,” reiterating that the demonstration “does not aim the downfall of the regime or targetting certain political personalities, but aims to reform the current system.” SP / SKH 1120