Saturday, September 21, 2024


URGENT – Iraq to pay all remaining compensations for Kuwait, Foreign Minister says

BAGHDAD / Iraq has decided to pay about US$21 billions (b) to Kuwait, being the remaining compensations by Iraq, Foreign Minister, Hoshiar Zibary, said on Monday. “Iraq shall pay about US$21 billions (b), being the remaining compensations for Kuwait, and its diplomatic moves aim at implementing all its international commitments,” Zibary told the semi-official al-Sabah newspaper. The Minister said that “the most important dossier, the Iraqi diplomacy is trying to complete, is to put an end to all its commitments towards international resolutions and to lift UN Charter’s 7th article, along with the ending the Iraqi-Kuwait dossier, including the payment of the remaining compensations.” Minister Zibary expressed conviction that “the settlement of those problems, remains to be in Iraq’s commitment towards UN Security Resolution No.833, that shall open all doors for Iraq.” The Iraqi Foreign Minister said that recent visits, exchanged between Iraqi and Kuwaiti officials over the recent period had solved a lot of complications that stood in the way of putting an end for the sanctions imposed on Iraq. “What has remained of the said dossier are three issues only, first of which is the issue of the ground and naval borders, the second is the issue of the lost persons and prisoners-of-war (POWs) and the last, the payment of the remaining compensations, followed by the payment of US$19 billions (b) by Iraq over the past period, through the deduction of 5% of its annual revenues,” Zibary said. The dossier of the IraqKuwait relations had witnessed several suspended issues, most outstanding of which was the compensations paid by Iraq due to its invasion of Kuwait in 1990, Kuwait’s position towards Iraq’s exclusion from UN Charter’s article 7, along with the demarcation of joint borders between both countries and the remains of Kuwaitis lost in Iraq. U.S. Vice-President, Joseph Biden, had stated in UN Security Council’s session on 15/12/2010, that the Council had decided to abolish the sanctions, imposed on Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait in 1990, whilst Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Hoshiar Zibary told the same session that “Iraq had a long “course” to settle its suspended issues with Kuwait.” Zibary, meanwhile said, that Iraq “is keen to develop its relations with the Arab and world states, and to end its international isolation, along with lifting the sanctions, imposed on it due to the erroneous policies of the former regime, as well as raising the level of its diplomatic representation with other states.” He stressed that “the raising of Iraq’s diplomatic representation with other states, along with the foreign representation in Iraq, had witnessed 89 Iraqi missions abroad, including 13 general consulates and 76 embassies, distributed in different continents, along with the presence of 96 foreign missions working in the country. FT / SKH 2232