Tuesday, September 24, 2024


PM Maliki to present candidates for security cabinet posts to Parliament on Thursday, MPs say.

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com – Two legislatures, representing the National Coalition, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, have expressed expectation that Maliki would present the names of the security cabinet ministers to the Parliament on Thursday.   “It is expected that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki would attend the Parliament session on Thursday to present the names of the security cabinet ministers,” MP Hussein al-Safi told IraqiNews.com news agency.   Safi said that “the National Coalition had supported the nomination of Ahmed al-Chalaby for the Interior Minister’s post and Riyadh Gharib for the National Security Minister’s post, whilst al-Iraqiya Coalition (led by Iyad Allawi), had finalized its decision to nominate Khalid al-Obeidy for the Defense Minister’s post.”   “Ahmed al-Chalaby has gained acceptance by different political blocs, along with the international arena, being an outstanding personality,” Safi said.   The Legislature of the National Alliance, Ahmed al-Abbasy had stated to IraqiNews.com news agency last Thursday that “agreement had not been reached on the issue of nominating the security ministers, among different political blocs, thing that made the Prime Minister postpone their nomination for this week,” adding that the political blocs “had red lines on the personalities nominated for those cabinet posts.”   Meanwhile, the Legislature for Al-Ahrar (Liberals) bloc, that is part of the National Coalition, Qassim al-Aaraji, told IraqiNews.com that “the Prime Minister would present the names of the security cabinet ministers to the Parliament on Thursday.”   Noteworthy is that “there are five candidates for the Interior Minister’s post – the former Border Guards Commander, General Muhsin al-Qaabi, General Abboud Qanbar, General Farouq al-Aaraji, Major-General Ibrahim Mohammed Ghulam al-Lamy and Ahmed al-Chalaby, considering Lamy as the most expected candidate to occupy the post, being supported by all parties.”   Differences have taken place over the past two months regarding the candidates for security cabinet ministers posts, that remained vacant, especially the Interior and Defense ministers posts, the first being the share of the National Alliance and the second the share of al-Iraqiya Coalition, provided they are granted for independent personalities, despite fact that each of the two sides reject the candidate of the other.   FT / SKH 956