Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi Parliament Speaker’s visit for Kuwait aims at improving relations with Kuwait’s National Council, MP says.

BAGHDAD / – The visit of Iraq ’s Parliament Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify, for Kuwait , scheduled to start on Saturday, “aims at improving relations between the Iraqi Parliament and the Kuwait National Council.”   “A Parliamentary Delegation, led by Nujeify, flew to Kuwait on Saturday, to discuss the improvement of relations between both sides,” Iraq ’s Parliament Member, Ali al-Allaq, said, adding that the visit “is expected to reach closer relations to settle the suspended problems between both sides.   Asked whether Nujeify’s visit for Kuwait would cover the current events in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Allaq said: “The visit had been planned since long and its schedule did not include such topics,” adding that “the main goal of the visit is to develop relations between the Iraqi Parliament and the Kuwaiti National Council; and has no relation with the issue of Bahrain.”   Another Iraqi Legislature, Ali al-Shilah, has expressed hope that the visit “would share to settle the suspended issues between both sides, especially the financial matters, related to Iraq ’s occupation of Kuwait during the regime of former President, Saddam Hussein.”   “We call on Kuwait to stop demanding payment of those compensations or to postpone them for few years, in order to allow Iraq use such funds to develop its infrastructure,” Shilah said.   He also reiterated necessity for “dialogue with the Kuwaiti side to establish an Iraqi-Kuwaiti mediation that would contribute in reaching positive solutions for the current sufferings of the people of Bahrain .”   FT / SKH