Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi President encourages foreign firms to invest in Iraqi market

 Iraqi President encourages foreign firms to invest in Iraqi market

The Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid. Photo: INA

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid, confirmed on Sunday that Iraq is eager to establish balanced relations with everyone, calling on foreign companies and businessmen to invest in the Iraqi market.

Rashid’s remarks took place during a reception held by the Iraqi embassy in Azerbaijan, where heads of diplomatic missions, ambassadors, Azerbaijani ministers, parliamentarians, and officials attended.

The Iraqi President stated that the country’s top priorities include maintaining security and stability, offering services to its people, maintaining its infrastructure, and raising economic and investment levels to raise living standards.

Rashid expressed his hope that Azerbaijani and European companies and businessmen will start investing in the Iraqi market, indicating that Iraq is keen to provide facilities and approve the necessary legislation in this regard.

The Iraqi leader talked about the situation in Gaza, where he stressed Iraq’s unwavering stance on the Palestinian issue and its rejection of the ongoing violations and aggression against the Palestinians.

The Iraqi President confirmed that Iraq is eager to strengthen relations with Azerbaijan, especially in the tourism, economic, and cultural sectors.