Monday, September 30, 2024


Parliament votes on abolishment of Iraq’s former ruling RCC resolutions.

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Parliament has voted with majority in its Tuesday session to abolish a number of resolutions, issued by Iraq ’s former ruling Revolution Command Council (RCC).   “The Parliament has ended its session today (Tuesday) with a majority vote on the abolishment of the resolutions of Iraq’s dismantled RCC resolutions Nos. 349, 100, 96 and 800, because of their containment of discrimination and violation of human rights,” Legislature Ashwaq al-Jaf from the Kurdistan Coalition told news agency.   RCC Resolution No. 349 of 1991, had granted Iraq ’s former President the authority to appoint any person, he saw efficient, in a post, including a minister’s or other post, raising to the level of a minister’s post.   The decision 100 of the RCC of 1995, allows the selling of state or the Socialist Sector property to wives or small children of persons carrying “the Revolution, Rafidain, Qadisiya or Um al-Maarik signs, from friends of (former) President Saddam Hussein.   SKH (ST)     561