Sunday, September 22, 2024


Claim that Barzani’s initiative didn’t achieve any step, exaggerated, Kurdish MP says

BAGHDAD  / The Legislature of the Kurdistan Coalition, Mahmoud Othman, has said on Wednesday that the claims that the initiative of Kurdistan President, Masoud Barzani, had not achieved any step, had been exaggerated.   “The allege that Kurdistan Region President’s initiative had remained mere ink-on-paper and had not achieved a single step forward had been exaggerated, though that some of its items had not been implemented till now,” Othman told news agency.   Othman stressed that the said claim by al-Iraqiya Coallition “had not been logical, because al-Iraqiya has a vice-president, a deputy prime minister, a Parliament speaker and more than 10 cabinet ministers.”   The Spokeswoman for al-Iraqiya Coalition, Maysoun al-Damaloujy had stated recently that the Arbil Agreement, based on President Barzani’s initiative “is still ink-on-paper, adding that the Principles of national-partnership, agreed upon in Arbil, being part of Barzani’s initiative had not achieve a single step, since its conclusion before the formation of the Iraqi cabinet.”   Legislature Othman commenting on her statement said: “If they had said that all the articles of the Agreement were not achieved, it would have been logical; but the National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP), allocated for (al-Iraqiya Leader), Dr. Iyad Allawi and some other issues had been achieved.”   The President of North Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, had announced an initiative to settle the political crisis in Iraq on 16/9/2010.   It included the formation of an 8-12 member committee, representing different political blocs, to start talks aimed at finding solutions for the pending differences and the discussion of the issue of the formation of the national-partnership government, as well as the three leading state authorities, the Iraqi Presidency, the Prime Minister and the Parliament’s Speaker.   SKH (FT) 424