Friday, September 20, 2024


German trade delegation visits Arbil this month

ARBIL / A German delegation is scheduled to pay a four-day visit to the northern Iraq city of Arbil to discuss means to boost trade between the two sides, according to the first vice president of the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s chambers of commerce on Sunday. “The delegation, expected to arrive on October 17, will comprise representatives of 30 German corporations along with the German ambassador in Iraq and the economic attaché to get acquainted with the economic situation and investment in Kurdistan,” Hassan Baqi Hourami told The delegation will also discuss ways to give a shot in the arm to trade relations between German companies and Iraqi Kurdistan companies, he added. Arbil, also written Erbil or Irbil , is believed to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited in the world and is one of the largest cities in Iraq . The city lies eighty kilometers (fifty miles) east of Mosul . In 2005, its estimated population was 990,000 inhabitants. The city is the capital of the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region and the Kurdistan Regional Government Kurdistan RegionG). It hosts the headquarters of the Kurdistan region ministers and parliament. AmR (P) 1