Friday, September 20, 2024


Shiite Cleric calls for non-politicization of security cabinet posts candidates.

BAGHDAD / The Chairman of Iraq’s Supreme Islamic Council, Young Shiite Cleric Ammar al-Hakim, has reiterated necessity to approve the security cabinet ministers and non-politicization of their candidates     “The political situation in Iraq is still suffering from slow developments and despite fact that over one year had passed on the parliamentary elections, the cabinet had not been completed, especially the security ministers posts,” Hakim told the weekly Cultural meeting, held on Wednesday on the occasion of the anniversary of the downfall of Iraq’s former ruling Baath regime. He said that the approval of the security cabinet ministers should have taken place before the other ministerial posts, due to the significance of the security dossier and its direct impact on the security and stability of the country and the protection of innocent citizens.   “The candidates for the security cabinet posts must be selected from independent and efficient personalities, that don’t have any links with any political party, thing that would facilitate the election of efficient technocrats, able to carry out that sensitive and serious mission,” Hakim said.   Commenting on the anniversary of the downfall of Iraq ’s former ruling regime in 2003, Hakim said: “We are celebrating nowadays the anniversary of the downfall of the dictator (Saddam Hussein), for which the Iraqi people had sacrificed a lot, till we moved to the new Iraq , enjoying freedom and pride.”   But Hakim condemned the downfall of the former regime through foreign forces, saying “that the scene had opened the gates for interferences, that had a great impact, which forced the Iraqi people to pay their price over the past years.”   “The bloodshed continued for several years and a lot of innocent people have died due to the wrong choice, taken to achieve the downfall of the former regime,” he said, charging that “the other historic mistake had been the fact that power was not handed over directly to the Iraqis, but the International powers had gone to the UN Security Council to take the UN resolution, considering those forces as occupation forces and the legitimacy of Iraq’s occupation, thing that entered the country into a dark tunnel, which we paid its high cost and had hardly got out of it.”