Friday, September 20, 2024


Death threat against Kurdish magazine editor

BAGHDAD / The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory (JFO) expressed its grave indignation for the mistreatment practiced against Kurdistan journalists by influential sectors there. According to the JFO‘s statement, a copy of which was received by, Lifin magazine Editor-in-Chief Ahmed Mira received death threats, which he reported to the JFO‘s representative in Kurdistan. The statement added that the threat was pronounced by a telephone call from Peshmerga Minister Jaffar Mustafa on the evening of 25 April. “The JFO informed the Head of the Government in the Kurdistan Region of the threat. As of yet, nothing has been done,” the statement added. Minister Mustafa denied the threats saying, “I did not threaten him with death, and will not threat anyone else.” The Observatory called on Kurdistan’s President and head of the government to “seriously consider these threats against the journalists and determine their position on the threat of Minister Mustapha, because he is an official personality in the region. It further urged the government cease ll arrangement that hinder the freedom of media in Kurdistan.. RM (TS)/SR 964