Tuesday, September 24, 2024


“Differences between Maliki – Alawi may soon disappear ” – MP

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: A National Alliance MP expected that the differences between Premier Nouri Al-Maliki and head of al-Iraqiyah Bloc Ayad Alawi will soon disappear, as the current political situation cannot stand more tensions among the blocs.  MP Batoul Farooq clarified to IraqiNews.com that “the tensions in statements may continue at the current time, but they will disappear.”  She added that the current political situation needs more understanding, as such tensions will affect political actions in the country.  Nowadays, both Maliki and Alawi’s relations exhibit a state of tension through written letters, each accusing the other of “neglecting” the Arbil agreement that led to the formation of the government. RM (TS)/SR 840