Monday, September 30, 2024


Discussion to implement 3 Generator stations in Baghdad

BAGHDAD / Discussions were held between Baghdad Governor Salah Abdul Razak and Electricity Minister Raad Shalal regarding the implementation of three power gas generators in Baghdad to improve the supply of electricity in the capital. In a statement issued by Razzak’ office, as received by, the “meeting discussed the improvement of power supply in the capital, including the implementation of three power gas stations”. If these projects are implemented “the generation of power shall be improved,” the statement added. “Baghdad Province has contributed in the support of the electricity supply by providing 1000 power generators,” Razzak pointed out. “More 160 generators are to come”, the statement added. The governor of Baghdad disclosed that ” 300 megawatts are provided” by his department. 17 electricity power stations, to be in the center and adjacent areas, were also discussed during the meeting.  RM (TS)/SR 592