Friday, September 20, 2024


Exchanging Accusation Words Affect Our Lives, Citizens Says

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi citizens said today the exchange of accusations between Ayad Alawi and Premier Nouri Al-Maliki in the media will negatively be reflected on the life of the citizen who looks after security and stability, away form contradictions and accusations. Mhahoud Saeed, 41, who lives in Ameen Quarter , south east Baghdad, said that the Iraqi citizen “hopes with political, security and economic stability, because he is tired of political quarrels and short-sighted and party gains”. “The citizen is still suffering poverty, loss of security and lack of services”, he added. Saeed pointed out that the “Iraqi citizen is still waiting the agreement of Iraqi leaders, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel till now, due to accusations and counter accusations”. He added to that “Iraqiyah bloc was not in good terms with the National Alliance. We do not know the reasons of differences between Alawi and Maliki. Is it a power strife, or old problems that date to opposition days before 2003. In both cases, the people are the victims and will be reflected on the political, security and economic spheres”. Ahmed Abdulla , 20, living in Adhamiya Quarter, north Baghdad, said “it is better for Maliki and Alawi meet to one table and discuss matters better than accusations.” “The situation is bad on all levels. Personally, I support conducting early elections, dissolving the parliament and the government, because the people is the victim of these political differences”. Huda Aziz, 30, lives in Baladiyat Quarter, east of Baghdad, said that “the political differences and political sharing will complicate the political scene and stop the axis of development”. “Political leaders do not pay heed to the life of the citizen. The parliament silently passed the election of three vice-presidential post before ending its term, leaving hundreds of important laws, which case arises many questions: Why we elected, where is democracy and where are our rights”, she commented.  Aziz predicted that ” the remaining years of the parliament will pass heavily if there were nor reforms or early elections, away from empty slogans”. RM (TP)/SR 501