Saturday, September 21, 2024


UNOPS Helps NGOs for Work

BAGHDAD / United Nations for Services Projects Bureau disclosed today that great obstacles are facing the non-governmental organizations in Iraq in their work without official registration.  In a statement issued by the bureau, copy received by, it added that a few number of the these NGOs completed their registration, which lead to initiating this project to help them concentrate on the issues they are working on.  The statement added that following the endorsement of NGO law in March 2010, the Bureau (UNOPS) and the International Center for NGOs’ Laws (ICNL) began a campaign to enlighten the registration of the organizations.  Bureau’s Baghdad Office Chief Adam S. Rickovisky said that the NGOs in Iraq cannot work without being registered, but there is not enough understanding of the registration operation.  “By helping them, we will be able to assist them dealing with problems, such as the improvement of basic services and to meet the need of young generation”, he added.  Deputy Director of NGOs Department Perwin Mohammed Amin added it was important to develop an easy statement for the registration, which shall be available on its site (  The project will provide training and a booklet to help NGOs to renew their registration certificate.  It is expected that the total figure will 600 NGOs all over Iraq. The Burea started workshops in Arbil to prepare the trainers before sending them all over the country during the coming months, the statement added. During the first training course, which was attended by parliament representatives , government and NGOs, Minsiter of State for Civil Society Dakheel Qassim Hassoun stated that “it is important to solve the obstacles and facilitate registration”.  The statement added that the project to facilitate the registration of the NGOs was financed by the European Union, Finnish  government and other donators through UN Fund to Support Iraq, US State Department- Office of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour.  UNOPS and ICNL supported laying down Iraqi NGOs law for many years, which included provision of experts and coordination among regional organizations, government and parliament. RM (TS)/SR 1009