Sunday, September 22, 2024


Lagging ministries – mistakes accumulation in Government – source

BAGHDAD / Iraqi ministries are lagging in their function despite the extra amounts given to them to support services committees, formed after the 100-day period given by Premier Nouri al-Maliki, the spokeswoman of White Iraqiyah Bloc Alia Nisaif announced today.  There is “more than one scenario available after the end of the 100-day period, including the formation of a government with a political majority,” Nisaif told  She added that there is some lagging in the work of the ministries despite the allocations following the increase in oil prices to support the services committees.”   According to Nisaif, the elements of “an accumulation of mistakes and the formation of the government negatively affected the services given to the citizens.”  “We believe that the government should get the majority, if formed, taking into consideration all segments of the society”, she added.  Nisaif concluded the second and third alternatives as saying ” lagging ministers should be replaced, or the present government to continue, though it is called a government of partnership, but it is not.” RM (TS)/SR 439