Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kidnapping of 4 youth Maliki’s responsibility – Al-Iraqiya

BAGHDAD / Al-Iraqiya bloc’s spokeswoman denounced the kidnapping of four demonstrators from Tahreer Square last Friday, placing the responsibility for their safety on Premier Nouri Al-Maliki, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.   In an official statement by al-Iraqiya bloc, as received by, Spokeswoman Sawsan al-Damalouji confirmed that “any atrocity committed against them is affecting an entire generation of cultured youths.”  Unknown civilians kidnapped four demonstrators last Friday (27 May, 2011) using an ambulance for the kidnapping operation.  She added that the four youths were practicing their rights as stipulated by the constitution, heavenly codes and the International Declaration of Human Rights.  “Any repression committed against them reflects the bewilderment of the security forces and the government which failed to meet the demands of the people,” she noted.   On 28 February, 2011, Premier Nouri Al-Maliki set a 100-day time table to review the work of the ministries and provinces, following massive demonstrations on 25 February last that demanded the eradication of corruption, better social services and living standards and combating unemployment.   RM (TS)/SR 551