Saturday, September 21, 2024


Suspected artifact smuggler arrested in Karbala

KARBALA / Security forces on Monday arrested a man downtown Karbala province on charges of smuggling antiquities outside Iraq , a Karbala police source said. “A joint team of the security department and intelligence service in Karbala arrested a man suspected of smuggling archeological pieces inside a house in the central part of the city thanks to intelligence tips,” the source told The source did not give more details about the antiquities or to which ancient time they date back. Karbala , with an estimated population of 572,300 people in 2003, is the capital of the province and is considered to be one of Shiite Muslims’ holiest cities. The city, 110 km south of Baghdad , is one of Iraq ‘s wealthiest, profiting both from religious visitors and agricultural produce, especially dates. AmR (P) 1