Saturday, September 21, 2024


Non-assignment of Security Ministers, absence of partnership, behind security deterioration, MP says.

BAGHDAD / Member of the   Iraqi Parliament’s Security & Defense Committee, Qassim al-Aaraji, has said on Sunday that the non-assignment of security cabinet ministers and failure to implement a genuine partnership in the government, as well as non-implementation of the Arbil Agreements, along with the competition among security bodies, have led to the deterioration of the security network in Iraq.   “What has happened in the Anti-Terrorist Prison in Baghdad on Saturday night will surely be repeated during the forthcoming few days amid the existence of an intention to account the corruptive elements and to put an end for corruption,” Aaraji told news agency.   He said that several criminal terrorists were entering prisons and leaving them without investigation, vis-à-vis bribes and due to the existence of administrative corruption by the majority of investigation committees of the security bodies, he said, asking: “How a dangerous criminal had managed to kill a group of security men, in charge of investigation, after his capture of the weapon of the weapon of a corporal, who was trying to take him for investigation?.”   He said that the Parliament’s Security & Defense Committee would form a special team to investigate the details of the attack against the Anti-Terrorism Directorate and Baghdad ’s Rusafa Prison, through cooperation with security bodies.   SKH (RT)