Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Tensions cover next political stages – MP

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: MP from the Central Coalition Mohammed Iqbal said that the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani‘s initiative was aborted a long time ago, believing that the coming political stage will be marked with more tensions.   He pointed out to IraqiNews.com that the tension was clear in the speech of head of al-Iraqiyah bloc Ayad Allawi when he “cornered all forms of understanding.”   Head of al-Iraqiyah bloc Ayad Allawi made a severe attack on Dawa party leader Premier Nouri Al-Maliki charging him with “lies, hypocrisy and misleading” statements, pointing out that he “depended on foreign and Iranian support to be a prime minister.”   He added that Barzani’s initiative was aborted because the political entities did not abide by it, and became echoless among political corridors.   President Barzani submitted his initiative on 16 September, 2010 to form a 8-12 member committee to start talks and form the new government. RM (TS)/SR 441