Friday, September 20, 2024


SRSG condemns targeting Christians in Mosul

Iraq-SRSG BAGHDAD / The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Iraq (SRSG) Staffan de Mistura strongly condemned the killing of civilians and targeting Christians in northern city of Mosul, UNAMI said in a statement on Monday. “De Mistura expressed his concern with the spike in violence that has targeted the Christian communities in recent days, particularly in and around Iraq’s northern city of Mosul,” said the statement received by He warned that these acts are aimed at fueling tensions and exacerbate instability at a critical time. “Mr. de Mistura noted that large numbers of families have fled their homes and sought temporary shelter in adjacent neighborhoods, with many among them having earlier fled Baghdad over the past few years, seeking safety in Mosul,” the statement said. “SRSG de Mistura said that the United Nations and its partners are monitoring with concern and closely assessing the situation. They are further positioned to provide assistance to families in need around Mosul and in Duhuk if warranted. An initial 102 families were provided so far with emergency assistance on 12 October and another 400 are currently receiving assistance,” it added. “Mr. de Mistura said that the current displacement comes at a very sensitive time, and against a backdrop of heightened political tensions regarding the unresolved issue of minority representation in the provincial elections,” it noted. “Iraq’s minorities have historically been, and remain an integral part of the country and its social fabric, enriching both its culture and politics,” he said. Mr. de Mistura reiterated the United Nation’s position that, “respecting and guaranteeing the political and legal rights of minorities in Iraq is fundamental to a stable and democratic future for the country.” SH (S)/SR 1