Monday, September 23, 2024


Positive – frank political leaders’ meeting – Presidential Statement

BAGHDAD  /    A presidential statement said today that the meeting of the political leaders was held in positive and frank atmosphere, during which it was agreed to stop all media abuses that might tense the atmosphere.   The statement, copy received by, added that the meeting was held upon an invitation by President Jalal Talabani, during which overall and frank discussions were held for pending issued.   It said that agreement was reached to “work for ending political crises and pacify the atmosphere among the political entities to start a new stage for better political, governmental and parliamentary work”.   The meeting was attended by President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister, Vice-Presidents, Vice-Premiers, Chairman of Higher Legislative Council, Parliament Deputies, Kurdistan President representative And heads of political entities, as reported in the statement.   It added that President Talabani received a letter of regret not to attend from Parliamentary Speaker Usama Nujaifi for his official parliamentary trip to the  United States , and a telephone call from Iraqiyah bloc leader Ayad Alawi for his departure for health reasons.   The statement quoted Talabani that “it was a successful and good meeting, where two subjects were discussed, the first on the  US  forces presence”.   “It was decided to have another special session to get a political decision in this regard by the forces that contributed in today’s discussion”, the statement confirmed.   As regards the second point, the statement added that discussions were held on the general political situation, Barzani’s initiative and Arbil agreement.   “A third meeting shall be held , we hope with the participation of Alawi, to finalize the present understandings”, the statement elaborated.   The security question was thoroughly discussed as well as the preparedness of the Iraqi forces. RM (TF)/SR 744