Friday, September 20, 2024


VP calls to repeat Anbar’s experience in other provinces

Missan-Bomb BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on Monday called to repeat the experience of al-Anbar province in other Iraqi cities, explaining that views about forming support councils in Mosul are still varied, according to a presidential release. “During his meeting with chieftains from Missan, Wassit, and al-Muthanna provinces, al-Hashemi called to repeat al-Anbar’s experience in other Iraqi areas, by allowing people to take control of their security and to stand side by side with the armed forces,” said the release that was received by “There are differences in views as to whether Ninewa province is in need of popular committees or Sahwa (Awakening) councils, or even support councils,” the release quoted al-Hashemi. “This issue is still pending,” he added referring to Ninewa province. MH (P)/SR 1