Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq’s Parliament Speaker condemns attacks on Iranian anti-Tehran’s Ashraf Camp in Iraq

BAGHDAD / Iraq ’s Parliament Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify has expressed support for the transformation of the anti-Tehran residents of Ashraf Camp in northeast Baghdad for the European states, condemning the use of violence against them, according to a statement by the Chairman of European Parliament’s Commission for Relations with Iraq on Thursday.   “The Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Usama al-Nujeify, in a speech he delivered in Brussels during his recent visit for Belgium, has condemned the use of violence against the political refugees in Ashraf Camp, thing that caused the loss of life of a number of them, calling for the formation of an independent committee to investigate a recent attack against them,” Sterwan Stevenson said.   He quoted Nujeify as saying: “ Iraq supports the European solution to settle the transfer of Ashraf Camp’s residents for other countries, including European countries if possible, being a logical solution.”   “The Iraqis reject the plan, suggested by the Americans to move Ashraf Camp’s residents for another area inside Iraq , because we see that such proposal is not accepted, but suggest their transfer for other countries, hoping that human rights of those political refugees be respected,” Nujeify stressed.   Iraq ’s Foreign Minister, Hoshiar Zibary, had confirmed during a recent visit for Tehran on necessity to close Ashraf Camp, used by the anti-Tehran Mohadin E-Khalq Organization, by the end of 2011, confirming that Baghdad had called on international organizations to render assistance in this regard.   Ashraf Camp is a base, used by the Iranian opposition, Mojahedin E-Khalq Organization, considered by the U.S. , Iraq and Iran as a terrorist organization, whilst the European Union had lifted its name from the black list in 2009.   The members of the said organization in Ashraf Camp, estimated at 3,400, suffer any official presence in Iraq . SKH (RT)