Monday, September 23, 2024


Baghdad Governorate to compensate victims of Iraq’s former Baath regime

BAGHDAD / The Governorate of Baghdad has announced on Wednesday the distribution of compensations on 450 persons, harmed by Iraq ’s former Baath regime, with amounts ranging from 5 millions to 10 million dinars.   “Approval by the Finance Ministry was issued to compensate 450 persons from the Baghdad Treaury, that will be paid today (Wednesday), for all persons, harmed in their bodies due to the racist and sectarian policies of the former Baath regime,” a Baghdad Governorate statement reported.   The statement by the 1 st Deputy of Baghdad Governor, Mohammed al-Shimmary, pointed out that the compensations, ranging from 5 millions to 10 million dinars, would be paid, according to the level of the harm, including those “who lost their ears, hands or parts of their bodies, chopped off by the regime’s elements!”   The Iraqi official pointed out that “all persons, suffering from diseases, caused by tortures, committed against them in prisons of the former Baath regime, would be covered by the said compensations.”   Iraq ’s former Baath regime, led by Late President, Saddam Hussein, who was executed after the downfall of his regime, was toppled by the U.S.-led offensive against Iraq in 2003. SKH (IT)