Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Iraq’s National Coalition MP says al-Iraqiya Coalition’s threat to withdraw trust from government can’t be achieved.

BAGHDAD / The Legislature for the National Coalition, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Ali al-Allaq, has said on Thursday that al-Iraqiya Coalition’s threat to withdraw trust from the government and call for new elections “can’t be achieved in any form.”   “Al-Iraqiya’s threat to withdraw from the political process can’t be achieved, because of its own components and the political process in general,” Allaq said, adding that “its threat to call for new elections can’t be achieved, in any form, as issuing such statements takes place due to political pressures to gain additional achievements, rather than Arbil Agreement, whether inside the government or within the other State institutions.”   Allaq said that “the National Coalition has its own general police that can’t be affected by pressures, and won’t give more than what had been agreed upon in Arbil Agreement (issued by Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, that had helped to settle differences among different political forces.)”   The Iraqi Parliament had voted on Dec. 21 last to grant trust to the government of Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, comprising 43 ministries, whilst Maliki himself had kept under him the Ministries of Interior, Defense and National Security, on ‘acting’ basis, pending the assignment of ministers for those ministries.   After that Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, had presented an initiative, carrying the title “Arbil Agreement,” to settle the differences among Iraq ’s political blocs after the nationwide elections that took place in March, 2010, that had formed the Iraqi government, after the agreement of the political forces.   Al-Iraqiya Bloc had announced on Wednesday that its difference lies with Prime Minister, Nouri al-Malilki, and not with the National Coalition as a whole, threatening to withdraw trust from the government and call for early elections in the event of non-implementation of its demands.   SKH (FT)