Friday, September 20, 2024


Children afflicted by strokes need more care – Basra physicians

BASRA / Basra physicians called to establish specialized centers to provide medical care for children affected by stroke, as statistics show that their number in the province may total more than 350, while available hospitals are unable to provide the necessary special care. Dr. Mosaab Abdullateef, who works at Basra Hospital, told, “We need specialized centers to treat children who have suffered a stroke, as such cases require distinguished care and for extended periods, in addition to expertise staff.” He called on the Iraqi Ministry of Health to work on this issue, as more and more children appear to be suffering from strokes. Dr. Sajeda al-Robaee, a professor at Basra medical school, said “it is necessary to have specialized centers to follow up on women during pregnancy and to educate them.” “We need the state to play a greater role in this regard,” she added. “Many families suffer, because their children have had a stroke, as such cases require special care and for extended periods that may take years, hence why places devoted to treat these cases should be found,” she noted. “Many of these families are unable to endure treatment costs, particularly when considering that stroke cases may lead to other medical complications,” she explained. Dr. al-Robaee suggested that this social category should be embraced by all kinds of economic and moral support. Another physician told “We have a department to rehabilitate children, but it is not within the required demand, as it consists of only one hall of 100 squared meters area, in addition to a waiting room.” “In 2004, we had four cases only of children with stroke, but now we have more than 350,” he said “There are no clear statistics about this disease among children, but I think that the reality is much more than the registered number,” he noted. Um Mohammed, a mother of a child who suffered from a stroke, said “physicians told me that my six year old son was affected by a stroke after his birth.” “We have consulted many physicians during those six years, but we have not given up,” she added. Another mother who has two twin daughters both who suffered strokes said, “They are both 18 months old, and the stroke has affected each of them differently.” “I hope that economic and moral support will be available for families like mine,” she noted. MH (S)/SR 1