Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq to build barbed wire fence on borders with Iran

 Iraq to build barbed wire fence on borders with Iran

Iraqi soldiers on duty. Photo: INA

Baghdad ( – Iraq has begun setting up a barbed wire fence to protect its borders with Iran.

The action was taken a few days after the Iraqi Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, declared that Iraq’s border with Syria had been entirely secured using surveillance cameras.

The barbed wire barrier between Iraq and Iran would run from the eastern Diyala governorate to Wasit and Sulaymaniyah, a security source in Iraq told Baghdad Today on Sunday.

The source explained that surveillance towers and modern infrared cameras will be installed along the border to stop smuggling and any infiltrations.

In 2022, Iran bombarded more than once the sites of Iranian Kurdish opposition groups, whom Tehran accuses of participating in the protests that shook Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini in September 2022, after she was arrested by the Iranian morality police.

The two countries concluded a security agreement last March, but Tehran demands that Iraq disarm Iranian Kurdish opposition groups by September 19 and evacuate them to camps.

The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, stated earlier that these groups have been in the Kurdistan region of Iraq for four or five decades.

Hussein also elaborated that these groups have been moved from the border areas with Iran to remote camps in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.