Monday, September 23, 2024


Biden plans to visit to solve pending question on US withdrawal

BAGHDAD / A leading member at the Higher Islamic Council Jalal al-Sagheer said today that the coming expected visit of American vice-president Joe Biden is intended to resolve the questions related to the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq at the end of this year, according to the security agreement signed between the two countries. He clarified to that the visit “has nothing with the question of the regions, which was reported lately in the media, or what has been put out by parliament speaker Usama Nujaifi.”  Parliament speaker Nujaifi, who is from a Sunni family in Mosul and brother of its governor, warned in an interview made by U.S. al-Hurrah TV station, that the Sunnis might think of separation.  This statement aroused many indignations among political entities here.  The U.S. Security agreement with Iraq, signed in November 2008, stipulates that all American forces should withdraw form Iraq by the end of this year.  All U.S. combat forces withdrew from Iraqi cities in June, 2009. RM  807