Friday, September 20, 2024


ISX index drops by 2.07 % in daily auction

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi stock exchange (ISX) index went down by 2.077 %, closing at 55.537 during Tuesday’s session. Traded shares in today’s session exceeded 1.119 billion Iraqi dinars (1$=118 ID) at a total value of over 1.692 million Iraqi dinars through 260 contracts. Ninety-five companies are registered at Baghdad’s Stocks Market, but shares of only 32 of them were traded in today’s session, of which three shares jumped, twelve slumped and 117 others maintained their previous levels. Traders deemed the slumping and stable moves in the ISX as normal after its boom in September, yet they noted that the sale and purchasing of shares are going up after offering shares in some companies. AM (P)/SR 1