Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kurdistan Parliament Speaker’s statement for self-determination unrealistic, al-Iraqiya says

BAGHDAD / The Spokeswoman for al-Iraqiya Coalition, led by Iyad Allalwi, has described recent statements by Iraqi Kurdistan’s Parliament Speaker, Kamal Karkuki, about the right of Kurds for self-determination as having been “unrealistic and mere media statements.”   “Karkuki’s statements were mere media, and not realistic statements,” Maysoun Damaloujy told news Agency, adding that “Kurds are experiencing their right for self-determination in Iraq and they have chosen to be part of the State of Iraq since 2003,” adding that “self-determination does not mean secession, according to UN resolutions.”   As regards to Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, related to the areas in conflict between Arbil and Baghdad, Damaloujy said: “We are not against the restoration of the right for its owners, whether they were Kurds, Arabs, Turkomen or Christians; and so long as the matter is related to restore the right for its owner, we are not against that.”   Karkuki has told al-Sharq al-Awsat ( Middle East ) Newspaper on Tuesday that “the Kurds have the right for self-determination on their land, and to have their independent state, similar to others, being a normal democratic right.”   “So long as Iraq keeps its constitutional principles and all parties are keen to be committed towards those principles, we shall keep our status, being part of Iraq , which we had chosen to remain with the limits of its Federal State ,” Karkuki said.   SKH (RT)