Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s gasoline imports reduced by 50%

 Iraq’s gasoline imports reduced by 50%

The Karbala refinery. Photo: Iraqi Oil Report

Baghdad ( – The Oil Products Distribution Company (OPDC) confirmed on Wednesday that Iraq’s gasoline imports had decreased by 50 percent following the operation of the Karbala refinery.

The Iraqi Oil Ministry’s plan to stop importing gasoline is moving along as planned, according to the OPDC.

The Director of the OPDC, Hussein Talib, told Shafaq News that the Oil Ministry has developed a plan to stop importing petroleum derivatives, particularly gasoline, within a set time frame.

Talib pointed out that after the Karbala refinery was put into operation, Iraq’s imports of gasoline dropped from 14 million liters to seven million liters.

The Iraqi official elaborated that with the opening of the North Refinery in Baiji, 200 kilometers (124 miles) north of Baghdad, gasoline imports are anticipated to drop to four million liters.

Talib also explained that the remaining gasoline imports will be covered by the Iraqi refineries’ increased output capability.

The Director of Karbala refinery, Haider Al-Hasani, confirmed in December that the refinery is currently operating at full production capacity, confirming that it covers between 50 and 60 percent of the country’s needs.

Karbala Refinery Director illustrated that the refinery’s current production capacity is approximately eight million liters of various types of fuel.

The refinery produces four million liters of red diesel, three million liters of white oil, jet fuel, sulfur, and asphalt, which are characterized by high purity.