Friday, September 27, 2024


Young Activists grant Iraq PM Maliki’s government “last” chance to resign!

BAGHDAD / The Young Activist, Laith Mohammed Reza, has said on Wednesday that a group of Young Activists have granted the government of Iraq’s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, what it termed as the “last” chance to present its resignation, due to “its sectarian policy, suppressing peaceful demonstrations and the press,” or else the Activists would “launch protest demonstrations, similar to the demonstrations of February 25 th last.”   “The ‘chance,’ the Youth have decided to grant Maliki and his government, is 30 days, beginning on Aug. 9 th and ending on Sept. 9 th ,” Reza, Member of the so-called ‘Committee for Coordinating the Popular Move,’ said, adding that “in the event of the government’s non-response for the said ‘chance,’ granted for it by the demonstrators, the 9 th of September shall witness a huge demonstration, that will be a 2 nd copy of the great February 25 th demonstration.”   Reza said that “the September 9 th demonstration shall be organized with better organization and will carry a central demand, calling for the resignation of the government and its ministers, striving for power and representing all political blocs, to be followed by escalated steps, such as sit-in demonstrations and leaning to the International Organizations, in the event of the government’s non-response or attacking the demonstrations.”   Laith Mohammed Reza leads a gathering, calling itself “The Citizen’s Gathering for Iraq ’s Students & Youth,” one of the forces, belonging to the “Commission for Coordinating the Popular Move.”   In conclusion, Reza called on the related International Human Rights Organizations, to “interfere in order to convince the government to allow the mass media to enter their direct-transmission vehicles, to cover the September 9 th demonstration, along with protecting them from similar violations to those carried out against demonstrators on February 25th.”   SKH (FT) 715