Saturday, September 21, 2024


Security bodies, gov’t responsible for Monday explosions – Nujeify

BAGHDAD / The Speaker of Iraq’s Parliament, Usama al-Nujeify, has placed responsiblity on the security bodies and the government for the security violations that took place in different Iraqi provinces on Monday, according to a statement issued by his office.   “I condemn the explosions that took place in a number of provinces, killing and injuring dozens of citizens,” Nujeify said.  “I also place the responsibility on the officials in charge of the security bodies in the government and their commands with being behind the responsibility for those violations, that killed several innocent citizens,” Nujeify added.   Nujeify, according to the statement, “has demanded to uncover the reasons and persons behind the said explosions,” confirming “necessity to boost efforts, in order to prevent such incidents in the future.”   A number of Iraqi provinces had witnessed on Monday morning a series of explosions, including killing 34 people and wounding 60 others by a booby-trapped car explosion in Kut city, killing 4 persons and wounding 17 others in Baaquba, killing 3 policemen and wounding 9 others in a suicide explosion against the Intelligence Body building in Tikrit, along with killing a civilian and wounding 15 others in 2 booby-trapped car blast and a motorcycle in Kirkuk.   Iraq’s Interior Ministry had issued a decision, banning the parking of cars on the two sides of the main and branch streets in the country, after the series of explosions that took place early in the day.   SKH (TR)/SR 594