Saturday, September 21, 2024


Islamic Party shoulders Iraq’s Prime Minister, Large Blocs, with responsibility of security deterioration

BAGHDAD / The Legislature of the Iraqi Islamic Party, Khalid al-Alwany, has shouldered the Prime Minister and the Large Political Blocs with responsibility for the security deterioration and the bloody explosions that took place in Iraq on Monday, reiterating that the delay of assigning the Security Cabinet Ministers had been the main reason for the explosions that took place during the day, that caused dozens of victims.   Alwany had also expressed “surprise” from the statements that shouldered the responsibility for what had happened during the day, for what was described as “political sides, standing behind the Baghdad TV Satellite Channel.”   “The Channel had stopped screening the TV series, entitled “al-Hassan and al-Hussein,” in response to a demand by the Iraqi Parliament,” he said.   The Legislature for the State of Law, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Abdul-Mahdi al-Khafaji, had told a news conference held at the Iraqi Parliament earlier in the day that “the political sides, standing behind the Baghdad TV Channel bear the responsibility for the Monday explosions, calling upon them to “shoulder their legislative, humanitarian and national responsibility to safeguard the national unity and save the bloods of the Iraqi people, rejecting to follow any course that tears down the unity of the people.”   “We condemn the explosions that took place today (Monday), against many cities; so, we confirm that the Baghdad TV Satellite Channel and those political forces, standing behind it, to bear responsibility, especially after the instigation role they played, since the Parliament’s decision to stop the screening of “al-Hassan and al-Hussein” series; so, we call upon the Channel to stop its screening, stemming from its duty to safeguard the national unity,” Khafaji said.   SKH (RT)   776