Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdish opposition movement charges Kurdistan government with negligence towards Iranian, Turkish attacks.

BAGHDAD / Northern Iraq Kurdistan Region’s Goran (Change) opposition Movement has charged its government with failure to take any serious position towards the Iranian-Turkish bombardment of the Region’s border areas, according to Goran’s Spokesman on Sunday.   The Spokesman’s statement was issued in the background of the shelling of Kurdistan Region’s border areas by Iran and Turkey, thing that forced inhabitants of dozens of Kurdish villages to desert their home villages after the destruction of their houses and agricultural fields, under justification of chasing the anti-Tehran PJAK forces the anti-Ankara Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), taking refuge in the area.   “The Region’s government has not taken any serious position against the Iranian and Turkish bombardment of the border villages, or any attitude to face the crisis, but for statements here-and-there,” Mohammed Towfiq told news agency.   “The Region’s government can exploit the economic presence of Turkish companies in the Region and their investments to press on the Turkish government to stop its bombardment,” Towfiq said, calling on the government to take a similar attitude against the Iranian side.   The statement stressed that “the Goran (Change) Movement had condemned the bombardment, the only thing that it could do as an opposition movement, as well as covering the miserable situation on the border areas in the mass media.”   Several areas in Kurdistan Region’s Arbil, Dohuk and Sulaimaniya Provinces have witnessed Iranian and Turkish bombardment over the past few days, against what the Turkish Army describes as ‘possible areas for the presence of PKK forces, who had attacked, killed and injured about 30 Turkish soldiers, whilst Iran had bombarded the border areas inside Iraqi Kurdistan, under justification of chasing the anti-Tehran PJAK forces.   SKH (FT) 415