Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq’s Shiite Leader congratulates Libyans

BAGHDAD / The Leader of Iraq’s Shiite Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, has congratulated the Libyan people on Tuesday “for the success of their Revolution and the entrance of the Revolutionary Forces into the Libyan Capital of Tripoli, calling upon the Libyan People to build up their new Homeland, away from narrow-party trends.”   “Thank Allah (God), Who blessed his Believers and planted courage, sacrifice and love of Religion in their hearts; Thank Allah, who achieved Libya’s liberation on the hands of the Libyan Revolutionaries and not on the hands of occupiers,” Sadr said in a statement, copy of which was received by news agency.   Sadr called on the Libyans to build up their new state, “away from narrow-party trends, in order to achieve a united Libya, proud of its people and Islam, whilst we, your people in Iraq, confirm to continue resisting the occupier, whatever happens, to liberate Iraq, in order to be on your side for the victory of the right.”   In conclusion, Muqtada al-Sadr, highly assessed the efforts of “the heroic Mujahidin (Holy Fighters) in the dear sisterly state of Libya, appealing for Allah to keep the occupation, terrorism, foreign interferences, especially American, away from them.”   SKH (TI)/SR 330