Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi analyist calls on government to recognize new Libyan leadership

BAGHDAD / Two Iraqi political analysts have charged the Iraqi government with having what they described as “poor diplomatic and Arabic viewpoint,” calling on it to recognize Libya’s Transitional Council, charging that Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki’s statement that “Israel is the leading beneficiary of the current demonstrations in the Arab states,” as “completely incorrect.”   Prime Minister Maliki had said in a speech he delivered on the occasion of the founding of the Iraq’s Shiite Badr Organization last Thursday, saying that Israel was “the first beneficiary from the so-called Arab Spring Winds,” warning from possibility that the Arab states, witnessing protest movements nowadays, “to fall victim for the ambitions of that aggressive state (Israel).”   The Iraqi Political Analyst, Issam al-Faily, told news agency that “the demonstrations witnessed in several Arab states had expressed the will of their masses, and the millions that shared in those demonstrations couldn’t be linked to the Zionism, simply because they were not a small group that took to the streets.”   Faily expressed hope that the Iraqi Prime Minister “not to be cruel in his judgment against the Arab masses, as there had been ‘revolutions’, calling for change by an American will and there are revolutions of a different type.”   “That is why, I say that the history of the Arab World is witnessing for the first time that the Arab citizen, who had been a tool in the hands of their vicious rulers, and now the rulers have fallen under the hands of their peoples,” Faily said.   He said that “the Iraqi government lacks diplomatic and strategic vision, in its relationship with several neighborly states, being part of the diplomatic and political failure, as our viewpoints had not been clear towards the Arab revolutions, hence once we supported the Revolution in Bahrain, whilst we don’t recognize the right of the Libyan people and its Transitional Council.. So, we have to possess strategic views, stemmed from the future vision towards the political sight.”   “Libya had been among the cruel states towards Iraq, even after the change, but we did not take a single attitude in this respect, as we should have blessed and respected the efforts of the Arab peoples and any developments taking place in the Region, without looking at the interests of the rulers, because many Arab rulers don’t look at Iraq, on basis of its being part of the Arab Region,” he said.   On his part, the Political Analyst, Hadi Jallo Marei has described Prime Minister Maliki’s statement “with having included a percentage of truth, taking into consideration that the United States and Israel have benefited from the dismantling of the Arab World.”   “Nouri al-Maliki won’t keep his Prime Minister’s post during the forthcoming periods, during which the Arab governments would be established, along with the stability of their situations, somehow, during the forthcoming two years,” Marei told   He said that “ Iraq , till this moment, had not witnessed stability in its internal affairs, a similar condition to those of other Arab states.   Hence, if we look at Maliki’s statement, away from being bias, we shall see that it included some truth, taking into consideration that the United States and Israel are benefiting from the dismantling of the Arab World, where the tyrants, who ruled its states, had kept some kind of cohesion in the Arab World, but the forthcoming stage shall involve the Arab states in continuous conflicts, where sectarianism and narrow-nationalism would raise, the same thing that happened in Syria, Libya and Yemen.”   “The Iraqi government had been too late towards the recent events in the Arab World, as it lacked serious positions most of the time,” he said, adding that “it was necessary for the Iraqi government to recognize the Libyan Transitional Council, ta